How to optimise your Instagram bio

Maximise your account reach with these five easy steps.

Your Instagram bio is your first impression with new followers, so here’s how to make the most of it…

Profile Picture

Your profile picture should stand out!

Make sure it’s a photo that suits your brand – it could be your face or logo. The goal is to have a recognisable image when your post appears in your audience’s feed.


Your username is your @handle and URL.

It’s best to use your business name so it’s easily identifiable. It’s also searchable in the Instagram app.

Want to knuckle down on your target audience? The Social Dingo can help you find the best way to communicate to them.

Name field

Optimise your name to include keywords related to you and your industry.

This helps with SEO (search engine optimisation) and is also searchable on Instagram.

Use keywords your potential followers will search for.

Bio description

Highlight your skills and identify why your target audience should follow you.

Think about your audience – what problem can you help them solve? Start by listing your expertise and then refine it to get your purpose across in clear messages.

Get creative with it! This is where you can show your personality. Using emojis can help your audience visualise your purpose and space out your text. Also add line breaks to make the information easier to read.

Call to action

Guide your audience to what you’d like them to do next.

Direct your followers to a place where they can learn more about you, whether it be your website or a link to sign up for something.

Make sure you provide contact details such as your email address and/or phone number.

So, is your Instagram bio making a good first-impression?

What to read next

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